weekend links: I’ll take a nap now
Right now I’m wearing the 5 layers of clothing I usually keep for the coldest of winter days. However, since our fall only lasted two weeks and suddenly turned into winter I’m having a hard time adjusting and am therefore in full on polar bear mode. Thinking about that, I might actually take a nap.
I can’t though. Apparently, my kid needs to learn how to swim so I have to take him to swimming lessons.
Just kidding of course. I love spending my afternoon in the hot humidity of the swimming pool, cheering for my 5 year-old in the water while at the same time making sure his little brother stays out of it. Ah well, the burdens of motherhood…
Safe to say there won’t be any naps in my near future. I hope you have better luck.
Have a wonderful weekend!
You probably know Elizabeth Gilbert as the writer of Eat, pray, love. She’s also a fenomenal speaker and has recently published a new book called Big Magic, all about creative living. Marie Forleo interviewed her and it’s hands down the best video I’ve seen in a long time.
This looks like something I need on my bike.
I made this spaghetti pie recipe and it’s surprisingly good. Perfect to use up leftover pasta.
God I love the Bloggess. She has a new book out.
A great (Dutch) piece on why hunger exists in the world.